The ministry is open to those who have received their First Holy Communion and completed a period of training. Servers assist at Mass and other liturgical events such as Benediction and Stations of the Cross.. The Servers perform an important part in the worthy and dignified celebration of the Liturgy. If you would like your child to become an Altar Server then please contact Fr. Ciaran Feeney PP, one of the Parish Sacristans or the Parish Office.
Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ truly present in the Holy Eucharist. Adoration takes place from September to June (except for Christmas and Easter Holidays) from 11.00am - 7.00pm on a Wednesday and after the 10.00am Mass - 5.00pm on a Friday.
Each hour a number of people come to pray and spend time with Jesus in the Blessed sacrament. The adoration Committee help organise the wednesday and Friday rotas for the Adoration Teams, and the Annual November 32 -Hour Adoration Vigil and the Vigil at Pentecost. The committee has also been liasing with the primary schools in the area in the promotion of Children's Adoration which takes place monthly in the Church during term time.
Apostolic Work has branches all over Ireland. It was started 96 years ago in 1923 by a group of Belfast women who wanted to help Missionaries in their work. Apostolic Work has been in St. Michael's since 1971.
Through the money that has been donated to Apostolic through the likes of Church door collections or Cake Fares a lot has been raised to help Missionaries working in some of the poorest areas of the world. to preach the Gospel. The financial assistance has been a help to them in their spreading The Word of God and improving the lives of many people.
The Pre-Baptism Meeting is a meeting for First Time Parents which takes place on the last Tuesday of each month in the Parish Centre at 7.30pm. The members of the Baptism Team will speak to parents about:
The importance of Baptism
The responsibility of parents in the ongoing faith development of the child.
The role of Godparents in supporting parents and in handing on the Catholic faith.
The Rite and symbols of Baptism are explained.
To book at place on a Baptism Meeting please contact the Parish Office on 95 904304 (Option 1)
A Child Care Committee (CCC) has been set up in every Parish within the Diocese of Down and Conor. The CCC chairperson in St. Michael's Parish is Catherine Doone. The role of the CCC in the parish is to safeguard and protect children and young people and to promote "Best Practice", that is, thinking about and understanding how best to create the environment in which children and young people are respected and encouraged to reach their full potential according to Christian values. It also means putting practical measures in place to protect children and young people and the adults who are responsible for them. Each individual in the parish who either works directly/indirectly with children or young people has undertaken child protection training and have consented to a POC check (vetting process).
Children of the parish are invited to the Children's Liturgy Group in the Committee Room (behind the altar), following the opening prayers of the Mass to listen to and discuss the Gospel of the day. They are reminded that this is part of the Mass and that Jesus is present with us and is represented through the lighted candle that the Priest hands to us. The Gospel is read in a simple, child friendly format. This is then followed by some fun prepared activities, games, or arts and crafts for the children to get involved in, which are related to the Gospel theme. This helps the children understand the Gospel and gives ideas on how to live out the Gospel during the coming week. There is also a question and answer time relating to the Gospel theme and a time for all to pray for any special intentions the children may have.
The Children's Liturgy Group is made up of a number of dedicated volunteers from the parish that have a core group who regularly attend on a Sunday. All teachers and supervisors within the Children's Liturgy Group apply in writing to the Parish Safeguarding Committee for permission to join.
The provision of a Children's Liturgy Group over recent years has proved a most enjoyable fulfilling and rewarding experience for the children, parents, teachers and supervisors who are involved.
te Finance Committee Is a committee of parishioners established to assist the Parish Priest in the sound and proper administration of the parish.
Place themselves at the service of Mary and wish to help her in her mission as ‘Mother of the Church’. They meet every Monday at 5pm in the parish centre.
The Parish Draw has been producing a steady stream of winners each month as well as generating valuable income for the parish funds for the last number of years. The parish draw is £5 per month or pay £50.00 as an annual payment. The annual Parish Draw takes place from October to the following September. Each September there is a star prize of £10,000 along with the usual monthly prizes of one £1000 prize and 5 £100 prizes. New members and promoters are very welcome.
For over forty years now, since the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church laity have been encouraged to participate more actively in the life of the church. The Council's Decree on the laity, spoke of two ways this lay participation can be carried out. Firstly, by spraeding the Gospel message in every area of life and secondly, where the need arises, by participating in the liturgical ministry of the Church. Over the years, it has become common to see lay people assisting the priest or deacon by acting as 'Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion'. They assist clergy in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass on Sundays and Holy days and when necessary at weddings, funerals and weekday Masses. They assist the priest so as the celebration of the Mass may not be unduly prolonged.
Those who undertake this service on behalf of Go'd people are to be always aware of their important office. They are to be, by their excercise of this ministry, an example to others of the reverence due to the Holy Eucharist. Just as they distribute the Eucharist in the Church so are they to distribute the love of Christ in the Word.
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, by arrangement with the Parish Priest and with due regard to Parish Safeguarding procedures, bring Holy Communion to the homebound and sick of the parish after the 11.00am Mass on a Sunday. They are only free to do so within the parish. If you would like someone to be visited by the Ministers on a Sunday then please contact the Parish Office on 02895 904304 to arrange this.
Each year the parish seeks new volunteers as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and provides the necessary training.
Reading the Word of God in the Assembly is in fact a ministry which is very ancient. St. Luke tells us that Jesus himself read the Word of God in the synagogue in Nazareth: the Word proclaimed is the "Word of the Lord". The reader speaks God's Word. The great dignity of proclamation, compared to mere reading and which makes the reading of Scripture in Church special, is that God is speaking to his people. Therefore, prayerful preparation before speaking God's Word enables the Reader to first take the Word to his or her heart. Only then can that word be proclaimed with faith and conviction to the gathered people of God. The person who volunteers for a time to be a reader in the Church provides a life-giving service to the community.
For information on joining one of these groups please contact the
Parish Office. 028 95 904 304 or click the link below to contact us.
Saint Michael The Archangel
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